GAIN project with support from H2020 projects PerformFISH, AquaIMPACT, MEDAID, AQUAVITAE, NewTechAqua; and project SUSHIN (Italy), is organizing an Workshop to present and discuss novel developments of knowledge on novel fish feeds that support eco-intensification of the European aquaculture industry, providing training to aquafeed value chain professionals and researchers on this topic, including aspects of value creation and sustainable use of by-products and side streams from aquaculture, fisheries and agro-industries.
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Ager - Agroalimentare e ricerca è un progetto di ricerca agroalimentare promosso e sostenuto da un gruppo di Fondazioni di origine bancaria.

Presso Fondazione Cariplo
Via Manin n. 23 - Milano
cf 00774480156

Sito Progetto Ager

Valentina Cairo
Tel +39 02 6239214

Riccardo Loberti